Jumat, 26 April 2013

The Secrets to Drawing Video Course - The Secrets to Drawing

Hi! My name is Matt and I am an artist and teacher. I devel­oped “The Secrets to Draw­ing” course because I rec­og­nized the need for an afford­able, but com­plete draw­ing course for artists.

I have used my years of teach­ing expe­ri­ence and work as an illus­tra­tor to develop a course that I am con­vinced will help you draw bet­ter imme­di­ately! You see, draw­ing is some­thing that requires knowl­edge. Michelan­gelo is quoted as say­ing “A man paints (or draws) with his brains, not with his hands.”

Each aspect of draw­ing is bro­ken down into “easy to fol­low” and “easy to under­stand” seg­ments com­plete with draw­ing demon­stra­tions and commentary.

“The Secrets to Draw­ing” videos are an unbe­liev­able value alone, but the course also includes Ebooks with each video!

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