If you or another male you know carries a man purse, visits tanning salons, wears a bicycle helmet, or listens to Kenny G, then this is a must read. Skip the pitch, and drop to the bottom of the page to buy.
"I thought a bicycle helmet was manditory. I had no idea it made me look like such a wimp." - Brent M. New York "I used to play high school football, I was pretty good in fact. I never thought I had a problem- until reading Max's book, I didn't even realize I was drinking through a straw, only eating meat on Sunday, and driving a minivan. Truth be told, I haven't said a bad word in years." - Shanus C. Dallas, TX "Only days after reading "How to cowboy up..." I started getting respect from my girlfriend. She kicked her ex-boyfriend out of our apartment, FOR GOOD- and I told him if he didn't pay us the back rent, I was gonna kick his butt!!- Thanks Max!!"- Colub S. Laramie, Wyo. "Max's recipe for "bikini remover" was worth the cost of the book in and of itself. I was lucky enough to be invited to my neighbors pool party recently where his daughter, home from college had a bunch of her co-eds attend, and I made a few pitchers. This guy knows his stuff, that's all I'm saying."- Gary B Tampa Fla. "I had a squirrel in my fireplace for a week. Afraid to confront it, I read Max's book cover to cover- then I wacked the little bugger. Thanks Max!!" Peter K. Bangor, MN. "This product contains adult language and situations, and is not meant for those under 18 years old."
"I've only read the first few chapters and already stopped sitting down to pee! Soon...
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